Friday, September 5, 2008

Is Order a Value Today?

Welcome to the blog discussion. I hope you will find this as useful as other classes have in the past. This is your chance to explore and exchange ideas with your classmates outside the boundaries (and limitations) of the classroom.

We haven't taken the time in class yet to discuss whether or not you feel that Order, the Integrating Value of the AMCM, is still a value in contemporary society. Do you think it is? Make sure you use specific examples to support your view.


ehickman said...

I certainly think order is still valued in our society. In America, no one would feel a sense of security without a government, laws, and law enforcement which all provide order in our communities. If our nation were just every man for himself, every day would be frightening, threatening and relentlessly chaotic. Although no one likes to see police officers shooting radar at them or attending a party that gets busted, when our cars or houses get broken into, we certainly value those whom we call for help and the judicial system we have in place to put criminals behind bars.

sgreen said...

I do believe that order is still a value in todays society. Without order where would the world be today? We all expect some type of order to take place to insure out safety in the world. The united States practice order by laws and regulations to govern the people of America. We expect everyone to follow those laws and regulations, and if they are not followed there are consequences to suffer. Laws such as not being able to jay-walk is a example of how the government tries to protect each individual. Our values in order a founded in the spread of planned communities. Police officers and the whole judicial system are filled with men and women who fight to keep our social order.

Joey said...

I think order is definately still a part of our society. I think that our country has this constant hope that we can have this utopian society, but we need to have order to do it. A good example of this is the fact that we have a million shows devoted to the order of our court system. It not only shows how we would love for crime to be judged, but it shows by ratings that our country wants and needs this order

Connie said...

Order is and will always be of great importance to our nation. It's part of our life, society and our goverment. Eyery single thing follows under a certain type of order. For instance rules and laws, without these there would be no order whatsoever in the U.S.A and it would not be the nation that it's today. Humanity would be out of control causing a complete diaster. But because we have valued order we understand that it's important to mantain and abide by the rules and laws of this nation to keep hope alive and peace in our lives.
By the way without order there would be no 1st,2nd,3rd place. I wonder what professors would do if there was no A, B, C, D, E,F grading scale.

derek said...

Order is one of the most important aspects in modern society. We organize and give order to many aspects of life: we have laws to keep the peace, corporations place great emphasis on the rigid hierarchy that keeps all aspects of their businesses running smoothly, and even education is structured and standardized to ensure that newcomers to many professions are adequately trained in their respective fields. If people did not place great emphasis on keeping order, it is unlikely our modern societies could survive, as war would be even more commonplace than it is today.

Talitha Collins said...

I believe Order is a very important value in our life today. In America, we depend on order for almost everything. From standing in line at the grocery store, to dropping our kids off at school, to huge things like Homeland Security. We call part of it Bureaucracy, but without it, we would be like the countries we try to help make democratic societies. We would have no legal system, no help for the homeless or poverty stricken people. Pretty much we would be like third world countries, without any oder at all.

Martinette Packer said...

Order is a HUGE value in our society today. Our world would be nothing without it. I mean, occassionaly accidents do happen, but without order, we would have reckless drivers (more than we do now), no order in convienvce or grocery stores, no orders in school, or anywhere else. We would live in complete uncontrollable chaos. Of course everyone knows that some laws are a pain to follow, but we have to stop and think that they are in place for a reason. Our government and judicial system have thought of these for a reason. To make us feel safe and secure, to go about our daily routines. And thats why for those law breakers we have consequences to suffer, to provide an example of what to expect next time we decide to break them.

Tony Garcia said...

I do believe that order is still a value in our society because without it there would be total chaos. There has to be rules and regulations and punishments for our society to function. If order wasnt a value we could possibly be living like a 3rd world country.

danielle said...
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danielle said...

I believe they are all right. Order is an integrating value in not only our American society but globally. The UN would be a great example they handle conflict by mediating issues and also render aid when needed to maintain an orderly world society.

lamichael said...

I believe order plays a very important role in our lifes. It's a part of life, society and our government. For example we as people follow order everyday. Each day we wake up get dressed, eat breakfast, go to work, and then come home for the day. For some people it may be diffrent but either or everyone has order in their lifes and without it this world would be chaos!

Blanca said...

I certainly believe that order is still an important value in our society. Order keeps our everyday life simple and with fewer problems. If order wasn’t part of our society then we would have a complicated life with constant problems. If there was there were no regulations there would be no fines for crimes or broken laws and that would bring disorder. There would be no peace in a society without order. In our modern society there is order for every thing that is done. There are restrictions and regulations for driving, such as lights and signs; without order there would be accidents. Order is maintained through laws that prohibit us from doing certain things or limit us to do certain things.

Taylor Miller said...
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Taylor Miller said...

Order is most definately a value today. Order has been so engraved into our way of thinking as Americans we can not begins to imagine what our lives would be like without it. What would life be like with no rules, or moral codes to live by? Because we do not want to begin to imagine what life would be like with no order we as a collective group believe in and understand the importance of order. For this reason we generally obey government agencies. Showing that though 'we the people' have the power it means nothing without order, which undoubtably makes order a value today.

JGriffin said...

As everyone else has stated, yes, order is still a value in modern society. The value of order can be seen from class rooms to government meetings. In the class room order is arranged were the teacher is the authority and the students must follow the rules set by the teacher, well at least in principle that's how it work. If the roles are reversed and order is lost, chaos ensues. The order that modern day government foster is closely related to the same values expressed in AMCM. Government sets the rules, the people follow the rules.

danielle said...

I don't know what else to say other than again I agree with everyone. There was and always will be order to whatever successful system/society we may discuss. It is a value that will not diminish in meaning it hasn't in the past thousands of years and it won't in the next millennium. Even brushing your teeth you have to put the past on first then brush, u add water before you lather up in the shower. If you get out of order it just doesn't work effectively.

ehickman said...

I don't really agree with danielle's comment. I do not think the order we are discussing is so much the order in which you do tasks, like brushing your teeth, but rather having order, or a "harmonious arrangement," as stated on It is like when a judge says, "Order in the court!", when things get out of hand. However, I do agree with Talitha that without order, America would resemble a third world country. There would be nothing in place to help citizens who are less fortunate. I also agree with derek that it is predictable that without order everyone would ultimately kill each other in a never ending war.

Blanca said...

I agree with everyone that order is of great importance in our society. Furthermore, I definitely agree with Martinette that our world would be nothing without order. I especially agree with her idea that our government has created a system to maintain order and that is what keeps us secure and lets us live our lives. At the same time I agree with Derek about how order is used in different aspects such as, education and business. Overall it does not matter in what aspect; order will maintain this society free of problems and somewhat peaceful.

Lauren Johnston said...

I agree with Taylor and pretty much everyone elses comments. We are still a society that seeks order zealously. Order makes life a little bit simpler and easier to handle. Unfortunatley, there are some circumstances that we can't control with order,systems of behavior,rules and simplification. Events happen and sometimes we just don't have any control no matter how much order we have in our lives or abide by. Yes, order is still at the forefront of societies values. It is also worth mentioning some of the counter productive things people will do to try to attain order.

Talitha Collins said...
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Talitha Collins said...

I agree with most of the blogs, but I like what ehickman said; I think order in America brings a sense of security. Sometimes Americans take for granted the order it takes for us to maintain a "normal" life.

Tony Garcia said...

I agree with SGREEN, order is still a value in todays society because it helps to insure safety. The criminal justice system plays a big role in maintaining order in the US. Some other countries that dont have order as a value or a strong CRJ system like the US are in despair and seeking help from countries like the US.

derek said...

I think Joey is on to something with how we view order today. We don’t just utilize order to keep us safe and make society work in a smooth fashion, we thrive on it. Order is not simply a necessity in today’s society, it is deeply ingrained in our way of thinking, especially in the media. Popular culture is obsessed with order, and we like it that way.

sgreen said...

I agree with every one. I do believe that there is order in everything we do. Some times people may try to do things out of order but always fail. Everything thats done has to be done in order. Order creates an almost safe america and world.

Taylor Miller said...

Like everyone else, I generally agree with everyone. The comment that made me think more than the others was Talitha. Though most of wrote about order today being the Government, or related areas of our lives, Talitha took this a step farther. Her comments show me that order has been so engraved in our minds, and lives that most the time we do things without thinking about it. If you don't believe me why did most of us walk to class on the right side of the sidewalk?

Joey said...

I think the whole class has the right idea in order being maintained through law. I think that important aspects are overlooked in our society though. I notice that our school is divided with a pecking order. The students have to listen to faculty who have to listen to department heads and listen to deans and listen to the head of the university. The entire school is split into those playing the game to move higher in the order. I think the order of the school is appeasement in that you do what the boss wants until youre the boss.