Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hector v. Achilles

Who do you think is more heroic, Hector or Achilles, and why? Feel free to use references from Books 6 and 9 of the Iliad and from the movie, Troy. It might be interesting so see how close the Achilles of Troy is to the Achilles we read about in Book 9.


ehickman said...

I totally think Hector is more of a hero that Achilles could ever be! He has what I think heroes must possess: morality. Heroes should not only be incredible fighters, but moral role models as well. Achilles is an amazing warrior, but he is not particularly moral in general. While it seems Hector is faithful to his one wife, Achilles has countless partners. Also, Hector felt bad when he killed Achilles' cousin and gave him a proper burial, but when Achilles killed Hector he disrespected him beyond imagine. Hector is respectable and loyal on top of being a great warrior, which makes him the greater hero of the two.

danielle said...

Hector comes across as more of the hero throughout the book and the movie because he was always displayed as as a humble noble warrior a family man who dedicated his life to trying to win his cousin back and defend his country. Achilles was also willing to stand up for what he believed in however he wasn't as selfless in his beliefs as far as reasoning for fighting this war. His anger was an issue in the Iliad as well as the movie Troy in anger he quit the war and in anger he rejoined the war killing Hector. Achilles was an amazing warrior but Hector the family man who didn't have a chance against the great Achilles displayed more noble heroic characteristics overall than Achilles.

sgreen said...

To me, Hector was more heroic than Achillis. After watching the movie Troy, for me, it just confirmed that Hector was more of a hero. I say this because Hector displayed great character through out the book and the movie. Hector was fighting because he loved his family and his country. He was not going to let the Achaeans come in and destroy his country without putting up a fight. although he did not believe in what his brother was doing he still fought on his behalf. Achillis fought only on the behalf of him self. To me, Achillis was a very selfish Revengeful man. He did not care about his country. He fought to satifsy his on personal needs. A hero is not defined as being selfish. A hero is one that gives him or her self for a cause. Hector demonstrated what it meant to be a hero.

Connie said...

You can't say Achillis is a hero for going after Hector, but you can sure say Hector is a HERO for having the courage to step out and confront Achillis, in presence of his family, knowing that he was facing death. He was brave, and gave a good battle without pulling back even though he had no blame. The only thing Hector wanted to do was to protect his family and their honor. As Achillis in the other hand, wanted to get revange no matter what. After he did and killed Hector he felt quilty and instead of looking like a hero looked like a coward. A hero stands out for his great courage great actions,for his strenght and for being able to stand up for what he/she bleieves is right and must be done, and not only for winning the fight.

Taylor Miller said...

Hector is definitely portrayed as more of a hero than Achilles. Achilles is fighting for his own personal revenge, whereas Hector is fighting in order to protect his family. Hector knows the he is facing an uphill battle verse Achilles, but because his family is so important to him he knows he must fight. This shows his true heroic side of bravery, courage, and morality. Which at times is what Achilles lacks.

Blanca said...

I certainly think that Hector portrays more qualities of a hero than Achilles. Hector fights to protect his family, especially his wife and son, while Achilles wants to fight for things of the past. At the same time he wants to be seen as the winner, the person who had the victory. In addition Hector had the courage to leave his family and fight, he was determined to do what he thought was best, he put his life at risk for his loved ones. Even more, he was brave and encountered danger. These are some of the qualities that a hero has, Hector possesed them. I think a hero does not encounter danger just to satisfy his/her self or to be known for doing so like Achilles. I believe a hero encounters danger for a good purpose, to protect others, while having the courage, dedication and being selfless like Hector.

JGriffin said...

A better question would be who is more foolish hector or Achilles. Neither of these characters seem heroic to me. Yes they may meet the requirements set by the dictionary's definition of what a hero is. Achilles is part divine. For awhile it appears Hector is favored by the god's. Both are great warriors. But they both lack the trade marks that I think makes a hero. A true hero stands up for whats right and just no matter what odds are stacked against him. A hero is a leader and not a follower. A hero would not lead his men or himself into a stupid battle over a woman that does not have anything to do with him. Hector foolishly goes to war over his brothers love affair. Achilles goes to war basically just because he love to fight. Both of these men choose to die in a war that they did not have to be apart of. But If I must choose I say Hector is more heroic, simply based on the fact that he was completely human. The odds were greater that he would meet his demise. Achilles had a better chance of survival because his mother had taken precautions to protect his human life.

ehickman said...

I disagree with jgriffin. Hector does not go into war foolishly because of his brother's love affair alone. Even if Hector chose not to go into battle, Troy would still be attacked by the Achaeans, and certainly defeated. Even if Helen was returned to the Achaeans, they would still retaliate. He knows that Troy will be defeated no matter what they decide to do, so he wanted to at least put up a fight. Hector IS heroic!

JGriffin said...

To Ehickman's reply to my post: The whole war was over Hellen. If it had not been for Paris and Hellen, Hector would not have had to fight in the first place. The truly Heroic thing for hector to do would be to turn Hellen over. By turning Hellen over and going against his brother, Hector would have shown that he is capable of committing a selfless act. He would have put his people's well being over the love of his brother. Then I would be able to agree that Hector was the more heroic of the two.

ehickman said...

I think the Achaeans would definitely still have attacked Troy even if Helen was returned.

Joey said...

I feel Hector is more of the hero than Achilles is. Achilles was only in this battle for fame and personal glory. He couldn't care about the cause or who is right or wrong, he just wants to be remembered as a warrior. Hector does care about the right and wrong of war but is also loyal to his country and family. He is fighting to protect his fathers land and his brothers life. Hector leads and inspires his people in battle, and he ultimately knows to do the right thing

Talitha Collins said...

I feel Hector would be the greater hero, as well. He was facing more than a mortal in his fight with Achilles. He did give Achilles' cousin a proper burial. He said goodbye to his family before he went out to fight Achilles, knowing he would probably not return, but that is what he needed to do. He fought for his family. He was just doing what he had to do.

derek said...

I definitely think Hector is more heroic throughout the Iliad. Though Achilles does come around towards the end and finds a more heroic side, Hector embodies all the qualities of a hero throughout the war. Even when we see Hector fume at his brother, he does not consider throwing him to the wolves, and instead fights the invaders even though Paris does not. Achilles, on the other hand, is more concerned with his pride and petty anger. He can't be bothered to give hope to his people, going as far as to forsake his countrymen completely to the Trojans as they press in on their very ships. We see Achilles will go to any lengths to satiate his anger, yet for Hector, there is no debate, he will willing throw down his life for the well being of his people.

danielle said...

I disagree with jgreen, Hector was definitely more heroic between the two because throughout the story and movie. He knew he would have to defend him self regardless of the stupid reason. He also knew that the great Achilles was partially divine & nearly indestructible still he fought against the odds. Even if Paris returned the girl just as did Agamemnon tried to appease Achilles it didn't work and won't when you have a hot headed war driven person or society easily angered and emotionally driven. Can you talk to some1 when they are mad? (It's best to leave them alone, especially a woman) Hector took his stance did not abandon it he pushed the Achaeans back with his heart and skill until Achilles jumped back in it. Hector was Truly a hero. He stood to gain nothing never once did he mention spoils or booty of any kind nor what he thought he could gain physically other than destruction of the Achaeans.

Blanca said...

I disagree with Jgriffin, if someone meets the requirements of a hero it is because they are heroes. Hector is not only a hero becuase he meets the requirements given in the dictionary definition, but mainly because he has the qualities many people think a hero should have. At the same time one of the main heroic things Hector did was put his life in danger, he gave up the time he could've spent with his family; he sacrificed himself.Hector did what he thought was right for him and for other people.

sgreen said...

I also disagree with jgriffen. hector is, to me, a hero. Him going to fight despite the fact that he did not agree with his brother. He didnt half to fight but he did, not only for his brother but also for his country. We call men and women in the army heroes for fighting for our country, so why wouldn't we call Hector a hero for doing te same thing? I do agree with you about Achilles. Achilles was fighting for selfish reasons, so I would not define that as a hero.

Taylor Miller said...

I agree with Joey. Achilles was told by his mother that if he fought his name would be remembered by everyone. This was his motivation. However, just like joey said Hector was fighting for the right reasons. He wasnt fighting in order to become a legend, rather he was fighting because it was the right thing to do, it was his job to protect his people and his family. This is why he fought and this is also why he is more of a hero than Achilles.

Talitha Collins said...

I think Joey has a good point about the reason for the war. First of all, if it's over a woman (or a man) the battle should be fought by the person who is involved. It is stupid to fight over someone else's issues, but isn't that what most heros do? They rescue people. Spiderman is always doing it. The thing is, with Spiderman (I know he is not a real hero) he is always protecting the innocent. In this case, as Joey said, it wasn't the innocent Hector was fighting for. (But it was family.)