Friday, November 7, 2008

From Unified Loyalty to the Individual

What is the potential of valuing the individual? What is the danger?


Connie said...

The potential of valueing the individual is being capable of respecting and admiring a person for who the person is and not for what that person can do that interests you. Is knowing his/her capasity of growth and development. The danger of this is that we obtain to judge the person by thier looks, which keeps us from pointing out thier true qualities and potentials.

danielle said...

The potential is great when the individual come first at all times. Everything is for the good of the person. Education, work, etc. all would be aimed to better the person as a whole. The downside is an extremely ethnocentric and egocentric point of view will arise and absolutely no consideration of others will be given. We all know what kind of prejudice that's created and if you haven't experienced it yet or through this election live long enough and you will. I've never met anyone that has said that, self centered is a quality which made them like someone, it's usually a negative force that drives people away calling that self centered person selfish.

JGriffin said...

By valuing the individual we have the potential grow and progress as an individual. The Draw back is that as we focus on ourselves, while we grow as individuals, society as a whole will fail to progress. Think of it this way. let say there or two people left on earth a man and a woman. They each only value themselves. The man knows how to hunt, fish, etc. The woman knows how to cook. While the man has food to eat, he cant cook it. The woman who can cook has no food to cook. If they worked together they would both be fine, but because they only value themselves, they do not come together, she starves, he is left alnoe, the world ends.

ehickman said...

When valuing the individual, we are able to focus on personal goals and achievments and probably accomplish more individually in life. The downside of this would be a society of selfish, rather than selfless poeple, who do not have each other's backs.

ehickman said...

Like danielle said, being self-centered is not a quality to be admired. If people valued themselves over everyone else, the world would be a very cold, unfriendly place. It would also be a very dangerous place if nobody helped one another or looked after each other. There would be constant competition for survival and the world would be a scary, lonely place. As a whole, our society values our families and our friends somewhat over the individual, which allows us to have others to turn to in need.

Taylor Miller said...

I agree with Ehickman. Valuing the individual is not always a bad thing. There are times when focusing on ones goals and doing what is best for ones self is the right thing to do. However, the dnager in doing this comes when these idea become a reoccuring event and are at the cost of other people, making us self centered and less caring for other people